

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Reasons You Will Love Qinghai Travel

Qinghai is an inland province in Northwestern China. It is having the largest plateau on earth and is home to China’s cultural beauty. If you are planning your trip for Qinghai travel, you are going to see the lakes, eat the delicious cuisine, and spend the time you may desire every time you leave your office.

On the historical background, it has the scoop of incredible classical Chinese history. Interestingly, as the old tales go further, this province has a political marriage in its origin. The then princess Wencheng, Tang Dynasty was about to marry Tibetan King, Songtsen Gampo, to mark the peace between the two mighty empires.

The princess was a Buddhist, and on her wishes, Buddhist scriptures were carved on the mountains to show her the trust. Moreover, some of those scriptures you can see on your travel and find some Tang Dynasty coins in the river.

Now, at present, the three reasons you will love Qinghai travel are:

Cultural Minority and Cuisine

Qinghai population has different ethnic minority groups, including the Tibetans, Salars, Hui, Tu, and Mongols. On your trip, you will experience spread various cultures, languages, traditions, and cuisines. Moreover, China’s largest rivers, Yangtze, Yellow, and Lanchang originate from this province only.

Amazing Landscapes

It is a fact that this province owns the highest plateau in the world and make China proud with the biggest lake. It is the place where your summer will give you vibes of comfort and serenity. In case you have missed hearing about this province of China; you have a chance to visit it.


Interestingly, most of the place is under government protection and labeled as “areas of no people.” As per this understanding, it has a thriving wildlife score. Here is, the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve. See the Tibetan Antelope and other 230 rare species. Moreover, if you got lucky on your side, you may see a wolf or bear.

Last, to lure, book your Qinghai travel with China Silk Road Travel and give yourself the getaway you desire for years now.


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