

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Three Breathtaking Tours inside Western China Tours

Take a pen and paper and start making notes. Today, in this blog, we are unveiling some of the western China tours mind-boggling regions, which will surpass your expectations with exotic and otherworldly appearance.  

When we talk about China’s western places, here comes the Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, and Qinghai with unique cultures and people. These regions are on the road less traveled infamous as Silk Road Tour

A pro tip if you are making plans for western China tours, do ensure to blow your taste buds, wanderlust, and imagination to the point where you can’t help but say, “World is beautiful and seeing a little is not enough.”

Moreover, the legendary Silk Road passes into Gansu, after Xinjiang. This province links the Han China and Remote West. Its capital is the frontier town, and its monasteries are magical. Get ready for the stories that follow these places. 

The three breathtaking places in western China:

Mogao Caves
You don’t need to become a history lover to admire the beauty of Mogao Caves. Its located around 25 km southeast of Dunhuang. Imagine a whole civilization’s presence cut into the rock for over 1,000 years and representing an extensive collection of manuscripts, paintings, and Buddhism. 

However, after a lot these gone through, almost 500 caves survived from robbers and warlords. Word of advice, photography is restricted. 

Visit Turpan, around 625 miles of desert overshadowing Dunhuang. It is the legendary silk road oasis that never failed to mesmerize its visitors. Moreover, it is the second-deepest depression in the world and holds water from underground channels from distant mountains. 

This holds the ruins of two ancient desert capitals, Jiaohe and Gaochang. As legends go, these two cities were the epicenter of prosperity and world trade. 

Last, to visit, here is Kashi or Kashgar, together with Samarkand and Bukhara. These names follow thousands of years’ history of the silk road. Its attractions are Sunday Market, Karakoram Highway, Id Gah Mosque, and Karakul Lake. Book your western China tours at China Silk Road Travel to visit extremely lively cultures of Asia and impress your wanderlust.

Reasons You Will Love Qinghai Travel

Qinghai is an inland province in Northwestern China. It is having the largest plateau on earth and is home to China’s cultural beauty. If you are planning your trip for Qinghai travel, you are going to see the lakes, eat the delicious cuisine, and spend the time you may desire every time you leave your office.

On the historical background, it has the scoop of incredible classical Chinese history. Interestingly, as the old tales go further, this province has a political marriage in its origin. The then princess Wencheng, Tang Dynasty was about to marry Tibetan King, Songtsen Gampo, to mark the peace between the two mighty empires.

The princess was a Buddhist, and on her wishes, Buddhist scriptures were carved on the mountains to show her the trust. Moreover, some of those scriptures you can see on your travel and find some Tang Dynasty coins in the river.

Now, at present, the three reasons you will love Qinghai travel are:

Cultural Minority and Cuisine

Qinghai population has different ethnic minority groups, including the Tibetans, Salars, Hui, Tu, and Mongols. On your trip, you will experience spread various cultures, languages, traditions, and cuisines. Moreover, China’s largest rivers, Yangtze, Yellow, and Lanchang originate from this province only.

Amazing Landscapes

It is a fact that this province owns the highest plateau in the world and make China proud with the biggest lake. It is the place where your summer will give you vibes of comfort and serenity. In case you have missed hearing about this province of China; you have a chance to visit it.


Interestingly, most of the place is under government protection and labeled as “areas of no people.” As per this understanding, it has a thriving wildlife score. Here is, the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve. See the Tibetan Antelope and other 230 rare species. Moreover, if you got lucky on your side, you may see a wolf or bear.

Last, to lure, book your Qinghai travel with China Silk Road Travel and give yourself the getaway you desire for years now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Four Historical Tourist Attractions in Zhangye Tour

Zhangye is a territorial division city in central Gansu Province, China. Formerly, it was Ganzhou. If you are booking the Zhangye tour, then you must know the main attractions in the city to have a memorable trip. 

The city has some important historical background score. It lies in the middle of the Hexi Corridor. The great Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan’s birthplace is in belief to be in the Dafo Temple. At that time, General Huo conquered the Hexi Corridor and made it the fortified headquarters of the then dynasty. Interestingly, Marco Polo, the European traveled, spent years in this city, learning about the culture and history of the place. Your Zhangye tour has stories that you may tell your relatives and children to highlight your visit to the place. 

In ancient times, it serves as one of the biggest commercial port on the Silk Road that attracted thousands of travelers to exchange cultural and economic resources. Further, you can note that it has the highest altitude in southeast 5,564 meters and the lowest altitude in northwest 1,284 meters; and the elevation of 1,474 meters. Now, it has an airport for easy traveling as well. 

The four historical tourist attractions in Zhangye Tour are:

1.      Giant Buddha Temple
Da Fo Si or Giant Buddha Temple is the biggest wooden reclining Buddha, having approx. height of 34.5m long and 7.5 m high. It is also the birthplace of the Mongol emperor, Kublai Khan. 

2.      Mati Si Temple
It is 65 km south of the city. The Horse Hoof Temple has the fantastic Grotto Buddha statues, horse riding opportunities, and murals of the Yuan Dynasty. It is one place where you can see the ruins of ancient cultures.  

3.      Zhangye Danxia Landscape
This is a small park area of 40 km in Zhangye travel, where awaits an amazing geological landscape. You will witness the multi-coloured mountain rocks and green oasis basin. 

4.      Pagoda Wooden Tower
It’s located in the central part of the town. You may climb the tower and try to have a look at the city. However, the city grew large and high, and would not come in perspectives of the wooden tower.
Bonus Attractions: Zhangye Wetland Museum and Blackwater National Site

The national site is the attraction where ancient cultural sites of the Neolithic period lies. Experience the sites of Han Dynasty Tombs that are spread over four km2. Wetland Museum is a newly opened museum of everything.  It displays the Silk Road ancient artifacts and educational displays. Well, without these two attractions in focus, your Zhangye trip is no close to completion. 

Zhangye has tourist attractions that may lure your soul for the history, and those are Matis Temple, Pingshan Lake Grand Canyon, Zhangye Danxia Landform, Wooden Pagoda Temple, Shandanjun Horse Farm, Binggou Danxia Landform, Badanjaran Desert, Giant Buddha Temple, and Bell and Drum Tower. 

If you are browsing the internet to contact a travel agency for this tour, then contact China Silk Road Travel.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Three Unbelievable Places in Xinjiang Tour You Never Visited

Xinjiang is one autonomous region of China and part of Asia connecting, renowned road, Silkroad. It is the primary gateway of the Silk Road having the great cultures of east and west. If you are selecting the Xinjiang tour, you will visit over 45 ethnic groups, which have unique cultures. 

Pack your bags for the fascinating places and folklores that will give you dreams of being part of this place forever. Choose a local Xinjiang travel agency with the dedicated team, knowledgeable and excellent guides, and you are ready for the amazing trip of your life. 

A little of history, Silk-road was the trade network between east and west from 2nd century to 18th century. It is of believing that this road is responsible for numerous political, economic, and cultural downgrading and upgrading. It is not clear whether people were sharing secrets on the route or not. Some theories say this route brings the world closer, as moths are attracted to light, a different world was connected because of this.

Well, on your Xinjiang tour, you will see the beautiful places and sparkling cultures. However, these three unbelievable places will let you lose your senses and feel joyous uprooting inside you. 

1.      Keziliya Grand Canyon
This canyon is also known as Xinjiang’s Grand Canyon; it is in the southern region. It stretches as long as 5 km with an average depth of 1500 meters. No comparison between the USA’s Grand Canyon and this Grand Canyon, but it fuels desires with the Asian history. 

2.      Turpan’s Flaming Mountains
If you hear that these mountains are the hills, then you are missing the impressive, unique view of vivid natural colors. You can even take part in the half-marathon race. You may interest yourself in knowing the story behind the flaming mountains. Moreover, as a tourist, these mountains are one of those things you will explore in Turpan.

3.      Jiaohe Ancient City
In case you are a history buff and all, then these ruins of an ancient city will calm your wandering soul. Take a walk thinking about what majestic city it could have been with well-preserved ruins. Check out the mud-brick structures meeting the age and imagine busy streets there. 

Last, to share, do not take time to think more and book your Xinjiang tour at China Silk Road Travel and experience Urumqi, Turpan, Northern Xinjiang, and Kashgar.